- A Treatise on Carriages: Comprehending Coaches, Chariots, Phaetons, Curricles, Whiskeys, & C. by William Felton, Coachmaker. This comprehensive volume -- complete with prices! -- was originally printed in 1794, and it is available to read full-text online, at http://archive.org/details/atreatiseoncarr00feltgoog
- "Transports of Delight: How Jane Austen's Characters Got Around" by Ed Ratcliffe. This paper was published in the 2012 online edition of The Inkwell, which is the literary journal of the JASNA-Northern California region. The paper can be read online in its entirety, at http://www.jasnanorcal.org/ink9.htm
- Thoughts on Travel in ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (Part I and Part II) is available through the Jane Austen in Vermont site, the online home of the Vermont JASNA region. Part I is available here at http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com/2010/10/02/thoughts-on-travel-in-sense-and-sensibility/ , and Part II is available here at http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/thoughts-on-travel-in-sense-and-sensibility-part-ii/