Teacups with fine handles, round saucers, mix matched
stacked by the Earl Grey and square cubes of white crystal sugar,
tinkling as they touch.
At ivory tablecloth covered tables, ladies in dresses delicately
wipe biscuit crumbs from lips, napkins on laps, set gently.
Copies of Persuasion and Sense & Sensibility
our companions, pages worn at the edges.
Travelers, we are by your words written
on quiet mornings, fog hugging dew adorned fields
of grass and possibility, the fire crackling behind
you as you gaze towards day, towards the sun
slowly grazing the tops of the sleeping trees.
Listen to the whispers in your mind,
write, write, write,
give heroines their voices, your quill poised
in your hand, inked letters drying into permanence.
~ Elizabeth Moscoso, 25 May 2014