If you have photos to add/delete/update, please contact regional webmaster Jennifer Snoek-Brown.
The JASNA 2015 AGM, "Living in Jane Austen's World," took place October 9-11, 2015, in Louisville, Kentucky. Regional member and treasurer Marva Wiebe has sent along a treasure trove of photos taken during her time at the AGM, available to view in an album on the region's Facebook page.
If you have photos to add/delete/update, please contact regional webmaster Jennifer Snoek-Brown.
At our September meeting, Pat Fulbright shared news that Mary Cammann, a longtime member of our regional chapter, donated back issues of Persuasions, JASNA's annual peer-reviewed journal, for members to enjoy. Some of the older issues look more like newsletters!
So that all members can enjoy the archives, members are encouraged to share and borrow issues at regional meetings and events. So be on the lookout at the next meeting to borrow (or bring back?) a past copy of Persuasions -- and enjoy a trip down Jane Austen memory lane! For a lovely array of photos from our 2015 event, "Undressing Mr. Darcy," please visit our Facebook page and photo album of the event! For more info about the program event and speakers, please visit our 2015 Events page. If you have more photos to contribute to the Facebook album, please contact Jennifer Snoek-Brown, the region's website manager.
Please enjoy the photo gallery below from our recent January reading group discussion about Janeites and Jane Austen's novels in wartime. We enjoyed a lively discussion -- look for a follow-up post tomorrow with more about that! The potluck buffet was particularly bountiful, as you can see below! If you would like to contribute more photos -- or captions! -- please contact Jennifer Snoek-Brown, the region's web manager, directly.
Please enjoy the slideshow photo gallery below from our recent December event and birthday celebration for Jane Austen. We had a full house for the presentation and enjoyed wonderful table decorations and scrumptious potluck lunch! If you would like to contribute more photos -- or captions! -- please contact Jennifer Snoek-Brown, the region's web manager, directly.
Last Sunday, Arnie Perlstein, J.D., JASNA AGM speaker and past Miami regional coordinator, presented a spirited talk on “The Five Other Shakespeare Plays Hiding (In Plain Sight) in Mansfield Park.” He has newly moved to Portland and joined our local region, and he received a warm welcome from the JASNA Oregon & SW Washington members who attended the December event to celebrate Jane Austen's birthday. Arnie also writes regularly about Jane Austen's "Shadow Stories" on his blog, Sharp Elves Society, at
http://sharpelvessociety.blogspot.com/, and his Twitter page at https://twitter.com/JaneAustenCode (@JaneAustenCode). His personal email address is also provided on his blog profile. Arnie would love to hear from any members who have follow-up questions, comments, corrections, etc. If there is enough interest (meaning, say, 4-5 people) who are interested in gathering informally at a Starbucks or the like on a periodic basis (monthly or every other month) to toss around Jane Austen's shadow stories with him, he would be very happy to take the lead on that, as long as it never conflicts with any of the chapters scheduled book group meetings or special events, which must come first. Please get in touch with Arnie directly if you are interested. More photos! Please enjoy the slideshow photo gallery below from the JASNA AGM in Montreal. Over a dozen members from the ORSWWA region were able to attend the JASNA AGM in Montreal, and they had a great time! You can read more about the AGM in Montreal here at http://www.jasna.org/agms/montreal/index.html. If you would like to contribute more photos, please contact Jennifer Snoek-Brown, the region's web manager, directly.
The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA) Puget Sound Region held a Gala event on Sunday, June 22, 2014, at the Women's University Club of Seattle. Below are photos, as well as a write-up, from one of regional members, Elizabeth Moscoso, who attended the Gala event. I had the chance to drive up to Seattle over the weekend to attend their gala on Sunday, June 22 (previous post here). It was a lovely sunny day in Seattle, and the venue was absolutely picturesque and wonderful. Plenty of gentlemen and ladies donned their best Regency outfits for the day and were very much admired. The lunch was three courses and tasty. Each table had a “Mary Bennett” to be the judge of a crossword puzzle/ trivia game that was played. The lucky winner got a set of Jane Austen note cards! The speaker was Iris Lutz, and we gave us a little “tour” of house, cottages, manors and estates in England that Jane knew, lived in and was inspired by for her novels. We all agreed: we should do this again soon. I have attached some pictures for your enjoyment!
~ Elizabeth Our delightful spring event was attended by 45 members and friends. They entered a beautiful room, which had been transformed into a spring garden, complete with potted herbs as centerpieces. After a sumptuous pot luck meal and lots of conversation, the attendees made their way into an adjoining room to hear a presentation by Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, a professor of literature at Linfield College. He spoke about Jane Austen as the prose Shakespeare. He was dynamic, humorous, and very interesting-truly one of the best speakers we have ever had. The raffle basket winner’s name was drawn and the guests left with light hearts and much to think about. If you have more photos from this or other events -- or to add to or correct a photo's caption -- please contact Web Manager Jennifer Snoek-Brown directly.
For our January reading group meeting on the 12th, we enjoyed an excellent discussion of Jo Baker's Longbourn, a servants' view of the events and characters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. If you have more photos from this or other events -- or to add to or correct a photo's caption -- please contact Web Manager Jennifer Snoek-Brown directly. |
JASNA ORSWWAWelcome to the web site of the Oregon & SW Washington Region of the Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA). We are a friendly and active group dedicated to the appreciation of Jane Austen's life and works. Categories
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