If you can find the time before the meeting on January 11th, they would like you to read this short story by Rudyard Kipling called "The Janeites,” published in several magazines in 1924. One of those magazines was The Story-Teller, and the cover featuring "The Janeites" story is pictured at right. The tagline reads, "The first story Rudyard Kipling has written for five years, 'The Janeites', complete within."
The story is about a “secret society” of Janeites in World War I. The story is short and will not take a lot of time to read. Enjoy!
The full text of the short story "The Janeites" is online here: http://www.telelib.com/authors/K/KiplingRudyard/prose/DebtsandCredits/janeites.html
Here are some additional notes on The Janeites (very helpful!): http://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/soldiers_fra.htm