Longtime member of our region, Dr. Kathleen McCann, passed away on April 27, 2014 at her Lake Oswego home surrounded by family and friends. Kathleen was born in the Philadelphia, PA area and moved to Oregon some thirty years ago. She pursued her dental career in Salem working for the State of Oregon. Always on the go, Kathleen was also an active member of the Portland Dragon Boats. She enjoyed the racing challenges and the camaraderie of the members.
Kathleen was an enthusiastic, welcoming, and knowledgeable member of our region. She frequently invited us into her home for our Reading Group meetings. She was also the inspiration and energy behind our online lending library. Just before she passed away, she generously donated her complete collection of Georgette Heyer novels to our group for all of us to enjoy. Kathleen will be remembered for her hard work at the Portland AGM in 2010, and was instrumental in the success of the event. We will all miss her very much, and will always remember her for her charm, friendliness, and devotion to JASNA.