On the 20th. May nearly 40 people gathered at the beautiful home of the Metzlers and enjoyed the delights of the wooden balconies around the main area, the totem pole carving in the kitchen and spectacular views from the deck. The Guest Speaker, Sheryl Craig presented us all with fascinating details of the food in Jane Austen's time, and dispelled a few myths about Regency food and dinner parties that the movies keep perpetuating! The food catered by Maggie's Buns of Forest Grove accompanying the presentation matched it in tastiness, and the sparkling wine and Pinot Gris provided by Cornell Wine Company added to the pleasure. Frank and Deb kept pace with the tea, and judging from the lively conversations heard around the lovely house, everyone enjoyed the trip into the country immensely.
Site ArchivesThis section features blog postings and info transferred and archived from the region's prior web site, 2007-2011. Archives
March 2011