The Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter have led a busy year with The Reading Group tying in their discussions to the Masterpie ce Theatre series, culminating this September with a film critique on the entire series. The Spring Program was held at the lovely home of Mary Tooze where we all enjoyed the musical talent of our member Margaret Harshbarger who sang and played Eighteenth Century music that Jane Austen would have loved. Dr. Kenneth Erickson from Linfield College spoke engagingly on “The Wit of Jane Austen”, and entertained a lively round of question and answer. Maggie's Buns of Forest Grove provided a cold collation, including delicious desserts, during which members had an opportunity to meet in their committees to discuss the 2010 AGM in Portland which will focus on Northanger Abbey! Our Winter event is already planned for December 7th.when Paula Stepankowsky will discuss Jane Austen and Fanny Burney. If you would like to be included in the invitation list, please contact [email protected].