Plans are underway for the Jane Austen Society of North America's AGM to be held in Portland in 2010: Oct.28-31st. October. Fittingly at Halloween the novel under discussion is Austen's spoof on the Gothic novel, Northanger Abbey, and the theme: "Jane Austen and The Abbey: Mystery, Mayhem and Muslin!" The Hilton in Portland is booked as our venue. The time will fly by and in that time we need support financially and "people-wise"! If you know of organizations willing to support non-profit groups such as ours, or have contacts with funding groups, or would simply like to make a contribution, please contact the Treasurer or Co-coordinators as listed. Volunteers for all aspects of the conference are needed. Put your particular skills to work: meeting and greeting; organizing; fundraising; decorating etc etc. Again, contact the coordinators as listed or [email protected].